Looks like you’ve stumbled across Everlasting Wandering – welcome!
This space predominantly showcases my adventures in the form of travel tips and itinerary guides, with travel stories along the way.
So, welcome to my travel life.
I’m Laura-Jayne (L-J) – a Scottish gal who likes to venture out into the world with little plans of the next move – a life of never knowing what comes next entices me, as does a life of following the sun. This goes alongside a fear of settling or committing, knowing there is too much out there waiting to be experienced. All those roads left untravelled makes the concept of ‘itchy feet’ a never-ending aspect in my life.
Therefore, Everlasting Wandering was established.

What’s my travel style?
Mainly backpacking, aka sticking to a pretty budget filled lifestyle.
Usually having no plans and seeing where the journey takes me. Or if I do have plans, seeing them change as the spontaneous life tends to come hand-in-hand with me and travel life.
I like long-term travel, but enjoy breaking it up with longer stints in certain places to work + recharge my travel life batteries. Fast paced travel is good, but I do prefer spending even just a night or two more than necessary in places to get the real vibe of the area (or rather get to the point where I get my bearings and don’t get lost 24/7!).
More about me:
‘Home-home’ is a little fishing village on the east coast of Scotland. Scotland is beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but a life stuck in the same place, especially where nothing ever changes, is not the life for me. So, I have also lived in England, France, Australia and New Zealand.
I graduated from university with a French degree. This was not on my (non-existent) life plan, I swear it just happened. I have to admit, the year abroad (language student benefits) was what enticed me to stick out uni life at all. I moved to France with a decision made about 4 days in advance, no idea what I was getting myself in for in a ‘moving to a new country with nowhere to live and a very bad grasp on the language’ (despite having studied it for years) kind of way. Anyway, living in France for a year was definitely an igniting point of my desire to ‘really’ travel.
So, I am now successfully not using my degree while avoiding settling into a ‘real adult life’ way of living.
In 2017 I left my life in the UK behind for the other side of the world, where I embarked on the best work + travel (predominantly travel) adventures. Australia became home, followed by New Zealand. It took me two years to return (still rather reluctantly), and with little hope of properly settling here again any time soon.
Everlasting Wandering?
In a nutshell, the basis of Everlasting Wandering is the concept of the never-ending desire to travel. Not necessarily in the sense of being on the road 24/7 – travel is amazing, exhilirating, but also exhausting! Rather, to continue to be curious, to want to delve deeper into the world and experience new places: not becoming too rooted into one way of life. Routine is good to an extent, but spontaneity, freedom, seeing the world through fresh eyes – that is where the true beauty of life happens.
Why write about my adventures? This site is somewhat of a journal for myself/advice and tips to other travellers, and well whatever I feel like making it! Maybe I will inspire someone to live their own crazy, spontaneous adventures. Because really, what is life to live it in only one place?
Start exploring by viewing my latest posts:
- Is Flic en Flac Worth Visiting? Should You Stay in Flic en Flac?
- Swimming with Dolphins + Ile aux Bénitiers: Mauritius Boat Trip
- Hiking Le Pouce – Mauritius Must Do Hike
- Key Things to Know Before Visiting Mauritius
- Flic en Flac to Tamarin Bay Coastal Beach Walk, Mauritius