Cairns, where to even begin with Cairns?
My Cairns visit went up and down like the ferocious waves of the ocean the day of my Great Barrier Reef trip.

I mean, I’m pretty sure I actually broke my ribs after three days in Cairns…
Yet my, ‘maybe I’ll stay for a week’, intentions were thrown right off the ship and I found myself in this backpacker hub for almost two weeks.
It is a fascinating region. I loved it!

So, Cairns, crazy, captivating Cairns…
This tropical North Queensland city is full of life, and is the perfect gateway to the surrounding region, including the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef and the oldest rainforest in the world. So, there is plenty to do, but a trip to Cairns does really mean more of a trip exploring around Cairns.
The city itself is where you laze by the lagoon (there is no beach access because, well, crocodiles), stroll the promenade, enjoy the bars and nightclubs, set up your plans for exploring. It is a tourist hotspot and you just have to appreciate this! Immerse yourself in the lifestyle and partake in the awesome activities/tours/exploring opportunities on offer.
Cairns is the perfect start or end point for an east coast tour, so most people want to let loose a little.
To really take advantage of Cairns, you gotta burn the candle at both ends. Well, that is what I did anyway….
– The highlights of my trip to Cairns:
- Snorkelled at the Great Barrier Reef.

- Went on a tour to Cape Tribulation, experiencing one of the most biodiverse places on the planet, home to the oldest rainforest in the world – Daintree Rainforest.

- Took a two day road-trip chasing beautiful waterfalls around the region. Including: Josephine Falls, Barron Falls, Crystal Cascades, Babinda Boulders, Behana Gorge, Millaa Millaa Falls.

- Visited Fitzroy Island. This ended up being one of my favourite little day trips (despite a monsoon on the hike). I loved this day – it fully redeemed my initial, ‘official’, not as great, Great Barrier Reef trip (read on). Finally got to snorkel with turtles! Read my Fitzroy Island post here for more on this awesome paradise.

- Visited Port Douglas – a lovely town around 70km north of Cairns.
- Went to the Cairns Botanic Gardens, one of Australia’s best displays of tropical plants – lovely for a little walk around.

- Spent ample time soaking up the sun at the Cairns Esplanade Lagoon. Even took part in the free water exercise classes!
- Moved hostels, and had such a lovely, chilled out, catch up on sleep, meet some nice people kind of time. I finally felt normal again!
- Enjoyed making use of the BBQ facilities on the esplanade for food and drinks with my room-mates.
- Took advantage of the night-life on offer. Had a crazy time, had a chilled time, had a fun time!
- Stayed around an extra week than intended – clearly, I was loving it here (or just needed to sleep and feel human again..).

Now for the waves crashing down parts, aka the reality, which for sure added to the experience.
– The not so dreamy side:
- My first week was spent feeling like a burnt out candle – I was beyond EXHAUSTED, which never subsided until the second week. Hitting up Cairns off the back of an outback tour (which was a bit of a mad one in itself) had me arriving needing a holiday. Instead I threw myself straight back into exploring and partying in equal measures, with little time for sleep. This would be fine but I really did not feel good!
- Found myself with (potentially) broken ribs (or at least cracked/seriously bruised) from about the third day on. What happened? Only Cairns knows because I do not. One word: GOON. Seriously though, as in, even sunbathing at the lagoon caused an absolute stress – the pain of just trying to sit up was REAL. I mean, I still managed to snorkel the reef but it wasn’t exactly ideal!
- Threw up at the Great Barrier Reef, and quite simply felt horrific on this ‘dream’ trip (serious lack of sleep for weeks and VERY choppy waters are not the one, mixed with the destroyed ribs too). The weather was not great hence the choppy waters, meaning the visibility wasn’t the best either. Also did not even see any super exciting marine life. I mean all fish are awesome but there wasn’t quite a stand out ‘wow!’ moment. Please note I still absolutely loved it and was the last person out of the water on our last dip in the ocean!
- Broke my GoPro three days before snorkelling the reef (make sure you close the charging compartment properly when getting in water…). All good though as I bought another one because I was so yolo at this point, and they are not cheap.
- Got absolutely completely drenched after climbing so fast to the summit of Fitzroy Island, to then waste time trying to shelter from the rain and wait for some form of amazing view to appear.. no such luck. The clouds and rain utterly obscured any view. Of course it was then glorious out by the time I reached sea-level again. Problems of the tropics.
- Stayed in the biggest, most popular party hostel around (Gilligan’s). It is home to the ‘best’ nightclub in Cairns, yet I never even partied there until after I left to stay at a chilled out hostel – free entry was no more. (Not for lack of partying – I just went elsewhere every night). I basically never even met my room-mates at this hostel, I was NEVER there. Where was I? Who knows? I was literally that weird ghost room-mate.
- Lost my room key (not really a biggie but that is something I never do!).
- Ran Cairns Parkrun and had to stop for a die (I can run, stopping ain’t something I tend do often, especially at a parky – those sore ribs not helping).
- Went for a swim at Tobruk Memorial Pool, to realise tumble turns and dead ribs are not a match made in heaven.

It was a bit of a mad start to my ‘proper’ (solo) east coast travels, but I kind of love that. This is the total reality travel life (condensed) version of events… embrace the good and the, well, not so dreamy times!

After Cairns I headed down to Townsville and across to Magnetic Island where things went, I guess, a little more smoothly… Check out my Magnetic Island trip here.